Bill Carroza (@wcarozza) over at “Principal Reflections” sneaks in a blog challenge in his post “5 Reasons Educators Should Blog.” Then my twitter friends @fliegs and @principalj throw me under the bus by challenging me on twitter! So what is a girl to do but call them out and be the first to post! Ha ha! (So I discovered I’m not first:()
So who wants to join us? Only 2 posts a week, come one we can all commit to at least 2.
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Of course, I'm in! Two blog posts a week. We can take it out of our TV time, sleep time, surfin' time…
Bill Carozza
Ok Bill, I just created post #2 and instead of posting right away I "scheduled" it to post tomorrow:) Pretty tricky I know:)
I'm not a principal, but I'm down if the invite is open! This will be great motivation to keep my blog current. 🙂
Welcome to the challenge Josh! Glad you like to blog too.
I am open to the challenge! I am in a grad program for Eduational Leadership and would l love to network with you all.
I would love to join the challenge! I am a grad student in an Eduational Leadership program. I would love to be part of this and network with you all.
Welcome Michelle!!! If you already have a blog please send me the link! Good luck!
I am going to join in as well. I need some motivation to start keeping track of all the learning I am experiencing.
Great Jethro!!! Please post a link to your blog in these comments so others can add it to their reader:)
My first post for the challenge. The second one scheduled to go up on Tuesday is pretty geeky about being a paperless Principal.
I just posted my first post for the challenge. The next one is scheduled for Tuesday, and it is about being a paperless principal and dealing with Memos from the district.
My blog address is: