Welcome to the holiday gift guide for principals! Principals don’t expect gifts for the holidays. So put your money away if you are one of my teachers, school families, or students. However, if your own families want to gift you the things that make their lives easier then…BRING IT!!!
*Disclaimer – These are NOT affiliate links. Of course I would make a few dollars if you buy the book. As far as the rest of it goes, just my own suggestions for gifts for principals.
Lead with Appreciation

You didn’t think I’d create a gift guide and NOT include THE book. Lead With Appreciation is a pretty valuable gift idea for principals. My online principal and blogger BFF Amber Teamann and I created a ground-breaking Facebook group. The Facebook group is actually the inspiration for Lead With Appreciation.
If you are a principal and you are NOT a part of our facebook groups, there is a button at the bottom of this post that will give you access. The facebook group shares a bazillion appreciation and fun ideas. However, the book helps you reflect on “why” we do what we do.
Cute sayings with food treats and/or fun team-building games are all the rage. But how do you pay for it? What’s the purpose? If you are doing these things just to do them, your staff will revolt. Lead with Appreciation gives you the “theory” of our appreciation library of ideas. (Theory is kind of a “smart person” word. But you know what I mean.)
Digital Principal Planner

Everyone needs a digital planner! A couple of weeks ago I launched my FREE digital planner for principals. What you may not know is that an official planner is coming. When you go download the free planner you will be added to the email list. You will be the first notified when the OFFICIAL digital principal planner launches.
Bluetooth stylus for your phone
Holiday gift guides aren’t complete without techy gifts. Since the digital planner can be used on your iPad and iPhone you need a stylus for your phone. This Adonit Snap 2 Bluetooth Touch Pen is just for you! It’s a little tricky to keep track of a stylus for your phone. This stylus has a little magnetic sticker you put on the back of your phone and… BOOM! Your stylus sticks to your phone.
You may or may not like the magnetic sticker depending on how you use your phone. My phone case is not made so that the little magnet will stick. So it does give me an excuse to get a new phone case. Who doesn’t need multiple phone cases?
Nespresso maker
This, my sweet principal friends, is the mother of all gifts on this gift guide! We all need a Nespresso Coffee and Espresso maker. If you can replace your Starbucks habit with this beauty, would you do it? I might try it! Not sure there is anyone to “gift” this to me so I may be own “coffee Santa” this year! Does this item really need an explanation? This Nespresso maker is the smallest one. Coffee when you wake up and an espresso for the drive to work!
THIS!!! Is the gift that keeps giving! It is a must-have for every principal. Maybe we can all write it off as a business expense? Now that I think about it maybe we can write off everything on this gift guide?
You might be wondering how I use my Airpods? To tune out my own biological children! Well sort of. Everything I listen to and the people I talk to annoy my teenage daughters. Since a principals’ work is never done, when I work from home these Airpods help eliminate annoying-ness. (I don’t think that is a word.)
Let’s face the facts here….Teenagers are always annoyed with parents regardless of the profession.
Eduqueen coffee mugs
If you are going to have a fancy espresso maker, you’re going to need a fancy mug to go with it. The #Eduqueen mug is exactly the mug for you! The ladies behind The Modern Principal are selling these to support their blogging habits so-to-speak. Once you follow these ladies you will definitely want to support them. Then you will want to choose a mug.
Currently, these ladies, Karen and Christy, are putting out funny and informational content on their Instagram channel The Modern Principals. They even live in my home state of Missouri!
Canva Subscription
Jump on the Canva bandwagon RIGHT NOW! I fought the pressure to try one more graphic creation platform/app. Unfortunately, I could have saved myself hours and hours of time had I just listened to all of you.
Powerpoint and the app Phonto have been my go to image/graphic creation platforms for years. You all mentioned Canva all the time and I fought the pressure. Boy, was I wrong!!!
Canva is the BOMB! Drag and drop images, tons of templates, color coordination, animated text and elements. It. Has. Everything.
The current price I pay is $12.99/month. The free version is great. Since creating graphics brings me so much joy, I need all the features.
Meal delivery plan
Saving the best for last…meals planned and supplies delivered to your house! Almost as fulling as a magical unicorn showing up at your house weekly to grant your biggest wish……never planning or shopping for dinner again! There are multiple options and I have yet to try any of them. Christmas break seems like the perfect time to try all of these magical unicorns of dinner preparation.
- Hello Fresh
- Blue Apron
- Home Chef
- Daily Harvest – I have tried this one but not enough to have a good opinion.

I want to thank you for all the fabulous resources you provide! You are always providing clever tricks and ways to show appreciation to the people who continue to inspire me everyday!
You are so thoughtful to leave such a nice comment! I love sharing ideas with you and getting ideas in return. We have a great principal community here.