Recently, I shared my love/hate relationship with the SmartTV at school. Everyone has a SmartTV! We must have one! There were Tweets and Instagram posts showcasing how schools were using SmartTV’s. Posting announcements in school entryways. Some were streaming Twitter, others were looping slideshows. I guess I was hoping there were technology elves to create all these cool displays. Maybe little gremlins came with the TV that made these displays?
Of course not! Once the TVs….oh yes, I didn’t install just one TV, but TWO TVs. And, “someone” was going to have to create/figure out what was going to be displayed on these TVs. Obviously, that was going to be me! (Turns out my secretary is much better at that than I am.)
Considering myself resourceful, at first, it was “easy.” The TVs had a USB drive so we uploaded photos to a little flash drive. This seemed easiest because with the TV remote we could program a photo slide show. However, that didn’t last long because I wanted to display what the cool people were displaying at their schools.
This is where the love/hate relationship comes in. I “loved” the idea, but in reality, I did not love the work this was going to take to keep up with digital announcements. Thus begins the search for ideas and resources to displaying on the $1,000 digital bulletin board.
Digital Announcements Top 10
- Menu with Gifs
- Staff and student birthdays
- Humpday YouTube video
- Google slide show
- Twitter feed
- Lost and Found Fashion show
- JibJab
- Staff school photos
- Student-created presentations
- Weather
Huge shout out to my secretary who now keeps up with our digital announcements!
Rene Lillebo says
Suggestions on what kind of Smart TV to get? And where did you display yours?
mmiller7571 says
Yay!!! You are my first comment on my new blog! That’s exciting but I didn’t know I had approve comments. I will have to switch that setting. Let me look at our TV when I get back from the meeting I am in and I will let you know. I might even have to do another post about that.