Who Dis?
Welcome to The Principal Blog. My name is Melinda Miller and I have been and Elementary Principal for over 15 years and can’t imagine doing anything else. I love connecting with other principals and collaborating online. Teacher’s work really inspires me and I strive to help my teachers grow. Technology integration is my strength as a leader.
Why this blog…..
This blog was started to provide practical tips/tricks/advice for school principals. I leave most of the philosophical blogging to some of my more well-spoken blogging friends.
My goal is to serve principals, teachers, students and families every day. Whether it’s in person or online I am passionate about being transparent and sharing ideas.
On a personal note…….
I have two beautiful daughters! Cassidy and Alyson. My daughters attended my school from Kindergarten to 4th grade. Having my children in my school tremendously impacteded my drive and desire to be the best that I can be at being a mom and principal. Oh and I have the cutest dog in the world…Miss Minnie!

Bragging Rights…..
My #1 bragging right is my staff! They make me look really good by their dedication and hard work for the children of our school!
- SWMAESP New Principal of the Year – 2008
- Practical Principals Podcaster – Retired
- Google Certified Teacher/Administrator – San Antonio 2010
- District Tiger Tech Conference Co-Founder
- SWMAESP District President 2012-2014
- SWMAESP Distinguished Principal 2015
- edcampSGF 2013 Co-Planner