My district sent 7 staff members to FETC this year. Since PD funds are going to be cut tremendously over the next couple of years this could be our last big conference for a while. I am thrilled to be here due to a FREE plane ticket earned from last year’s attendance at #colearning when my flight was canceled. Turns out, due to weather, I might be stranded here as well:) “Snowmagedon 2011” is hitting the Midwest as I type this post.
Advice for newbies: Last week I tweeted out a question for advice for newbies. Here is the advice I received:
- Wear comfortable shoes (Tennis shoes don’t exactly go with my outfit but I am in comfortable shoes:)
- Do not miss the Shoot-out at 11:00.
- Be sure to sign up for all the prizes.
- Scoured the website for a few hours this weekend.
- Added FETC website as a bookmark on my iPad.
- Did a google search on he keynote speakers to help decide which sessions to attend.
- Had a crash course in Edmodo. Edmodo will be the “back channeling” resource sharing site for the conference. Each session has a group number you join in edmodo for resources and discussion.
You do a great job. You should keep on publishing. Thanks