This is my 6th year as elementary principal at Willard East. In an effort to make sure that I am genuinely serving my teachers and students I decided I would have the teachers fill out a survey somewhat evaluating me as a school leader. This was not a researched based survey or some type of hidden meaning evaluative survey. It is a survey that is used by a neighboring school district every year. I did not create it.
Another principal in the district surveyed his staff and I thought this would be very helpful for my personal and professional growth. There was NO hidden agenda to doing this survey. I wanted to know what my teachers think. Mentally I was prepared to be put under the microscope and hear some negative feedback too. However, I found that most of the feedback was very professional and genuine. Both the “needs improvement” areas and “strengths” were right on or at least I agreed with most of it.
Here is how I posted the information for my staff to see the results…..
Below the quoted post is a copy of the survey if you would like to use it someday.(Sorry for the terrible template. The teachers clicked on a link that sent them to the form which is formated better as a website.)
- Only 20 staff members completed the survey
- Next year I will probably have Bob create the survey and provide everyone with a login “token”. Stewart used this process at the HS and received 87/113 responses to his survey.
- There was one “outlier” to the positive, meaning someone rated me highly on EVERYTHING. ‘
- There was one “outlier” to the negative, meaning someone is not pleased with my leadership
- Collaboration with grade levels
- Be respectful of time and work load
- Build positive relations with parents
- More student involvement
- Be a better listener
- Technology expectations – Slow down
- Job Stress – handle job stress better:)
- Communication
- High expectations
- Follows policy
- Backing/supporting teachers
- Technology – knowledgeable
- Humor/creates positive environment”
You're brave to not only share the survey with your staff, but also the world via the web! I definitely will be copying the survey to use next year with my staff. I originally wanted to this year, but I feel I defintely was not the best principal with my pregnancy this year and already know I have a lot of improvements for next year.
Thanks for sharing!
I really love this survey. I may steal the idea and some of the questions for my end of the year "needs assessment."
Jessica, I don't think mine would have come out very good the year I was pregnant with Cassidy either:)
DCowart, Absolutely! Borrow away! That's the main reason I share so I can be helpful to someone else.
I did this with my faculty as well. It is very brave of you to open yourself up to critique. I have found that the feedback I receive is mostly genuine as well. It does help with my growth and I plan to do this every year.
I agree, you have great courage. I guess the important thing that people will be watching for is what you do with the information given.
In my district the Teachers Union runs an "evaluation" of sorts. It is not widely returned and gives little valuable information, but it gives those in power a sense of power.
Did you develop the questions yourself or did you have another resource?
Again…very courageous and transparent. Good for you