Over the past few days I have been reading up on blogging. I feel really comfortable with my Daily Bulletin version of blogging but I am still not confident about creating a school website with open comments. My “daily bulletin” is an informational site for my teachers with daily “news.” Comments are closed because teachers just email me or come to me if they have any questions.
I had an anonymous online input but I think allowing it to be anonymouse was my problem. I still need to work on how to supervise my blog and if I can require them to name themselves with their real name. It is not that I do not want input. It just seemed like it was an open forum to gripe. How do I get away from this? I want to know how people are feeling but it gets hard to get “chewed out” so to speak, online so often. I want blogging to be positive and rewarding and benefit my school.
I absolutely love reading other Principal’s blogs and have “borrowed” many ideas. I haven’t seen any blogs used as a Principal site that communicates to parents yet. A fellow principal friend of mine is in the process of creating one but it is still “newsy” and not so much a conversation. I will keep plugging along.
Well, you are on to the hang of it. Just keep writing. Keep the faith. As you come up with topics, you will draw more and more readers!
I use a blog for my weekly staff bulletin which is also read by parents…
Let me know what you think over at PepTechTalk
Your blog is terrific! You are off to a super start and you will be surprised where this will take you professionally. I like your Daily Bulletin. I am going to start one of those for my school. I will let you know how it goes.
Don't stop posting such stories. I like to read articles like this. By the way add more pics 🙂