If it were not for my iPod I can’t imagine how I would keep up with all these new and great things I am finding on Web 2.0! I recently replied to a blog entry on LeaderTalk about iPods and it got me to thinking of all the ways I have been using mine lately.
Originally I purchased my iPod because I thought it was cool. Sounds just like the kids doesn’t it?! I had to have the video iPod as well do be able to download movies, news, blah, blah, blah. As you can image none of that happened. Downloaded a couple of songs then left it laying around for a couple of months.
About a month ago, when I started blogging, my friend and developer of Fusion Finds, led me to the W.O.W. 2.0 webcast. This is a live webcast every Tuesday night with a live chat room that you can interact in with other visitors. Crazy fun time! Great information and positive environment for weekly PD. This is sponsored by EdTechTalk and you can listen too. This webcast is geared for teachers but I have enjoyed it tremendously. At first I didn’t know how to join in the live webcast and chat so I was downloading shows to my iPod, hince “the iPod factor” in all of this.
Below I will list some of the podcasts I subscribe to and/or sites I download from frequently. I change my mind all the time and sometimes listen to the whole thing and other times tune out after the first few minutes. It just depends on the topic.
When do I listen? In the car, on walks, when I am putting my daugher to sleep and she wants me to lay down with her. I wish I could say when I am working out but that went by the wayside this year and it something I will have to get back into.
When do I have time for this? After my family has gone to bed for the evening or my daughter is napping on the weekends.
I have learned so much from podcasts interviews, webcasts, etc. And the amazing thing is that it is free!
Podcasts on my iPod right now: I welcome other suggestions as well.
The Tech Teachers
The TechTeacher podcast
Dangeroulsy Irrelevant
Connect Learning, with David Warlick
The Infinite Thinking Machine
Moving at the speed of creativity
I’m a big fan of the SmartBoard Lessons Podcast by Canadian teachers Ben Hazzard and Joan Badger. Funny, down-to-earth, thoughtful, informative.