Let me know how your week is going and where you are with conferences. I’d be happy to help or have an additional conference if needed. After this year is over we will see how it went and give input to the calendar committee. All we can do is try.
Updates and reminders for the week ahead:
Dress Up Days:
- Monday = Red, white and blue
- Tuesday = Crazy hair / socks
- Wednesday = Pajama Day
- Thursday = Favorite Team Day
- Friday = Fall wear/theme
Monday Early-out: = NO Meeting. Use this time for conferences or other work to get caught up.
NO Tuesday Grade level meetings: Same as Monday. Use this time for conferences and/or to get caught up.
Bossy Business: Well not really.
Line order – If you could share your line order with special class teachers that would be great. Special class teachers could then have the same line you do and it would solve some transition problems. If you do not have a line order for your class, please come up with one ASAP.
2nd Quarter Review: Now would be a really good time to go back over routines and behavior expectations. This would be perfect for Lead Time in the mornings. Since it’s been a different type of year your expectations may be different or change more often. Its a great time to reset and start fresh.
Real Talk: How do you practice real talk? Even as a principal I have struggled with it even if you think I always speak my mind. Has there been a time lately that you have not used real talk and gotten yourself into something you could have avoided? Here? At home?
No Changes: I was asked if we were ready to make changes to return to more normal life and I said no. For example, are we ready to go back to everyone in the lunch room and using manipulatives etc. Right now I feel like we are in a sweet spot and things are going well. Having the HS kids here made me a little nervous but after seeing how happy they were and our kids were to see them….I am super glad I allowed that.
However, If you feel differently or there are things we could change please let me know.
Have a GREAT weekend!!!