Did you hear how great the Veteran’s Day parade and festivities were? Well it was pretty cool. We had softball practice right as the parade was starting and it was really neat. We didn’t go to the park for all the food trucks and events going there. We heard it was a great turn out!
I am saying that to tell you not to forget to get all your photos of Veteran relativs of kids in your class. The Environment Team is putting together a slide show and we are wearing Camo on Wednesday! It will be a great week to honor our Veteran’s even if we can’t have them in the building for a celebration this year.
Updates and Reminders:
Monday Early-out: We will meet briefly in the inner circle for a couple of announcements. Then you need to meet with your accountability partner and that will be all for the “Faculty Meeting.” My schedule said faculty meeting but I do not have anything other than announcements and accountability partners.
Grade Level Meetings – Kirsten and I will get caught up and let you know about grade-level meetings before Tuesday.
Well there usually way more info than this so that means I am completely forgetting something. Please let me know what that is! Otherwise have a GREAT week!