We are getting closer to a much needed Thanksgiving break. The turkey scratch off bag will start coming around next week. Let’s set a goal for the end of the week next week for it to be done. Everyone should receive the bag by Friday next week.
Raise your hand if you have started or kept a gratitude lists this season???? Try it! You’ll like it!
Updates and reminders for the upcoming weeks:
Monday early-out: Trauma-Informed Google Meet with Amanda. Amanda will have training ready for us on Monday. There should be a Google Meet link on the calendar under the “Early-out” event.
Holiday Parties will be the 1/2 Day Tuesday before Christmas break. I will link the spreadsheet below to add your times. It will be the half-day schedule that day too.
Add your party time to THIS SHEET
Scratch-off Turkey Bag has started its way around the building. Let’s see if it can make it’s way around by Friday.
Inner Circle celebrations on THIS Friday! I will add that to the calendar.
High School Pep Band “flash mob” Thursday morning – The HS band wants to visit all the elementary buildings this week. On Thursday morning they are going to parade through the hallways pretty quickly. You will want to leave your doors open. There will be about 50 of them so the kids can’t really go out into the hallway because there won’t be enough room. However, if you leave your doors open it’s going to be LOUD! And FUN!
Goals: One of the goals on my PD Plan is about student relationships. I have not been tracking it but now have a fantastic goal board to track it! My strategy is the 2 x 10 “method.” (Meet with a student for 2 min. 10 times at least, more if needed. I have completed one round of 2 x 10.)
Do you have a student you’d like to recommend to be one of my students for this goal? I have my own list but wanted to open up it up to you guys that might have a student. Please email the student name(or stop me and just tell me) and what you’d like me to work on/talk about with them. Ex – I can help them with their goals, a behavior issue, have a reading or writing conference, help with their leadership binder, pretty much whatever.
My goal board is by my desk if you want to take a look. I might change it for the next round but it’s a start!
I think that’s it for this week! Remind me if I am forgetting anything.