For those of you who have journeyed with me through the excitement of podcasting………I’ve almost got it! But I still need some help. What do teachers want to hear from principals and/or what do principals want to hear from other principals? As valuable as my time is I have gained so much from the professional development of podcasting that I want to bring those benefits to others.
To the left is a link to my podcasting page on Podomatic. I have gotten used to Podomatic so I am going to stick with it for the summer at least if not longer. Here is a direct link to my Podcast Page. One of my previous posts talks about my equipment and this podcast is about how I put it together using Windows Movie Maker for the lack of knowing how to use any other equipment yet.
I would really like to thank Wes Fryer for helping me find the music and sound bites. Just by commenting on his blog he commented back to give me some links. Very helpful! I will always have to give credit to The Women of the Web for all their help and inspiration. I’m not worthy! I’m not worthy! I try to listen to their live web cast every Tuesday night.
Derek Miller for the music.
Laughter sound bite
Mr. Gann’s Class website, class blog, and Champ Cast (podcast)
Mrs. Sechler’s website
Smartboard Lessons Podcast at
If you could have discussions with your principal, what would you want to know?
Podcast is not working tonight. Will try again tomorrow. Sorry.
Love to here about Internet Safety and School/District approaches to bringing students online.
Yikes – can’t spell today – probably lack of sleep from my 3 week old 🙂
Other topics:
– Transparency in the Classroom – what do you recommend with regards to your teachers publishing online.
– Collaboration – how do you encourage collaboration at the school, community, district, country or internationally
– What is your feelings around the use of social networks in educational settings.
– How do you promote educational shifts?
I like how you explain all the details of building your podcast! Alison takes the cake at the end! She needs to be our youngest Wow2