To the left you should see a ‘badge’ from Podomatic that should direct you to my podcast.
Yesterday I purchased the Olympus WS-100 digital voice recorder mentioned in one of David Warlick’s posts. Of course I am like a kid with a new toy and couldn’t wait to get it out of the package to try it. So I recorded my 1st podcast in my car driving back to school after lunch. I have to admit that wasn’t the smartest idea but whatever works in our busy career.
Keep in mind this in an unedited and VERY 1ST podcast. (I actually added another between starting this post and actually posting it. So there are two episodes for you to listen to.) I went ahead and uploaded it and posted it because I wanted to model that you have to start somewhere. You might get a kick out of listening:
The Podcasting Principal
I used Podomatic because that is what I was introduced first and signed up for an account a few weeks ago. I read about LougBlog yesterday and I am sure there are some others I have read about. Here are the steps in how easy this was:
1. Buy digital voice recorder – I am sure there is a cheaper way but this seemed easy to me and I had the money. Okay, school had the money. I have to be an honest blogger! :):):)
2. Put the battery in it. (It came with a battery.)
3. Record your voice/podcast/topic etc.
4. Plug into your USB drive and save to computer in folder labeled “podcasts.”
5. Upload to Podomatic
6. Bada bing bada boom!!! There it is!!!
If you do choose to listen, especially to episode two, I do not know how to pause my recorder and you hear my cell phone ring a few times. I guess that is the disadvantage to working in my car. I have submitted this podcast to iTunes and the pop-up says that it is under review. That just cracked me up because if it doesn’t get ‘accepted’ after some of the podcasts I have seen, I will just get a kick out of that.
This is a HUGE risk for me because I am putting myself ‘out there’ so to speak! I am so nervous. Just like a kid going to school for the first day: “Will they like me? Is my ‘artwork’ cool? Does my voice sound fat? Do I have a dorky avatar?”
See…………….even administrators are human!!!
Hello Melinda,
Or to me mmiller, you are so right, just do it. I just learned about another great Web 2.0 tool podcast people from Bob Sprankle.( It is a great easy to use tool. Podomatic on steriods! Looking forward to keeping up with you!
You are an inspiration!
Cheryl Oakes wow2
Love the avatar!
Cheryl, I just can’t wait for you to hear my next podcast. I added music and sound so I hope it works. Fingers are crossed! My avatar is on all my stuff. Just a fun character from jgarton’s daughter from Fusion Finds blogs. Her daughter is going to be in 4 grade and keeps young in the web world with good “kid friendly” advice. Love your show.Hope to listen Tuesday again.
Will you come on the WOW2 show? Email me for a date.
please say yes. 🙂
Melinda, I am listrning to your podcast on tech tools…you mentioned sharing photos…you should try picasa. It is a google tool and is integrated with blogger and albums can be shared.
Bryan McDonald