Long time no post! It has been about 2 or 3 weeks since my inaugural opening of the “Internet Cafe” at the MO principal’s conference sponsored by MAESP. Many of you who read my blog or listen to my podcasts know that I took on the task of incorporating a technology component at the conference geared toward administrators using the tools. Rather than a long and wordy post I thought I would just bullet some key thoughts and points:
- My room was waaaayyyyyyyy upstairs and far away from the rest of the conference presentations. Not sure why but was assured that will not happen again.
- Next year wi-fi will be available in ALL presentations. Whether it is used will be another story but I can at least try live-blogging/back-channeling.
- Not a big turn out but like I said my room was “out of the way” of the rest of the rooms.
- Bought too much candy that I ate most myself.
- I did the same presentation 3 times with work time before, during and after each presentation.
- Participants wanted more “how-to” instructions. (I gave links to screencasts tutorials on EVERYTHING I did.)
- Next year they need to be able to leave with a project created.
- Next year will call on the expertise of others to do presentations during the day too. Long day from 6:30AM to 4PM.
- Need to add podcasting as a session.
Oh I am sure there is more I am leaving out but from the feedback I received I think it was went well. A lot of the principals from my region of the state came and supported me and were friendly faces in the crowd.
Please feel free to share any ideas for next year.
I think your work has inspired many to use Web 2.0 tools for their work in school leadership. I know you have inspired myself and others in my district to use Web 2.0 tools for our communication. I even used my blog to communicate with the 27 principals in my disctrict about our district student agenda and it has made our communication more effective.
Chris Kelly
Title I Coordinator of Accountability
Hampton, VA