In addition to blogging I have been downloading and listening to podcasts as well. These two things have provided me with more professional development in the past month than I think I have had in 3 years! My newest venture is Skype so I can listen to the WOW podcasts live on Tuesday nights.
I am really excited and do not want to overwhelm my teachers with this stuff just yet. This is so far from their reality right now. I am blogging my daily bulletin and my 4th grade are now bloggin with their students. I am downloading podcasts onto my iPod and listening to them on my way to work. The best thing I can do right now as a principal is have conversations about this and answer their questions when they ask what I am doing. I am their vehicle. They will see my excitement and want to find out what I am so excited about!!!
I am working my way to blogging about technology leadership but I have to get past the exploring stage I think. As well as getting past being worried about how I sound in my writing. Now I know how the kids feel!
You’re doing some cool stuff!
Skype me: gemalone
and we’ll talk about delicious.
Glenn 🙂